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What if the French could revoke their mayor, their deputies or their president during their mandate in the event of disappointment? It is a proposal that the rebellious candidate Jean-Luc Mélenchon carries in his program. This revocation would go through a referendum.
Giving power back to the people is one of the slogans of Jean-Luc Mélenchon, presidential candidate 2022. As in 2017, he proposes to give voters the right to revoke their elected representatives. The measure was even the subject of a bill by rebellious deputies rejected last January. First, who would be affected? In Jean-Luc Mélenchon’s proposal, all elected officials could be revoked, from the mayor to the President of the Republic.
From the mid-term, a quorum between 10 and 15% voters concerned, the threshold has not yet been set, could trigger this recall referendum. If at the end, a majority of the voters wishes it, the elected official will have to withdraw. According to the teams of candidates, no specific criteria will be necessary for the dismissal of an elected official. For the defenders of this measure, we must trust the judgment of citizens.