Politics: opponents of the government make themselves heard with saucepans


Video length: 2 min.


Article written by

C. Méral, N. Grigorciuk, France 3 regions, M. Alphaize, B. Bervas – France 3

France Televisions

For the past few days, government opponents have been making themselves heard through pots and pans. This sound system now accompanies ministers on their travels.

The image becomes repetitive. From now on, during each official trip, there is a concert of pans. They were about fifty in Indre to welcome the Prime Minister. The message of these opponents: no question of turning the page on pension reform. Friday, April 21, in the morning, Elisabeth Borne did not come into contact with the demonstrators. She kicks in touch when she is questioned about this new form of protest.It’s important to meet the French. When they want to discuss, to exchange with them and to listen to their concerns”says the head of government.

A repetitive scenario

Saucepans as a welcoming committee, the scenario repeated itself for all ministers traveling on Friday April 21, as for Bruno Le Maire in Amiens (Sum). These demonstrators come from associations, unions and left-wing parties. The first concerts began on Monday April 17, during Emmanuel Macron’s speech. For the political scientist, Bruno Cauterswe can clearly say that it will prevent the head of state and prevent members of the government from saying that they have moved on”. This week, other ministers canceled their visit, officially for scheduling reasons. Demonstrations were planned during their travels.

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