Politics: LFI deputy Ugo Bernalicis at the heart of strong tensions in the Assembly’s law committee


Video length: 1 min

Politics: LFI deputy Ugo Bernalicis at the heart of strong tensions in the Assembly’s law committee

During the examination of the immigration bill at the Law Committee of the National Assembly, Thursday, November 30, the deputy La France insoumise (LFI) Ugo Bernalicis criticized the majority for organizing this examination at the same time as the niche parliamentarian of the Insoumis. – (franceinfo)

During the examination of the immigration bill at the Law Committee of the National Assembly, Thursday, November 30, the deputy La France insoumise (LFI) Ugo Bernalicis criticized the majority for organizing this examination at the same time as the niche parliamentarian of the Insoumis.

Ugo Bernalicis, deputy Rebellious France (LFI), is standing in the middle of the law committee of the National Assembly, exasperated, Thursday, November 30. He criticizes the majority for organizing an examination of the immigration bill at the same time as the parliamentary niche of the Insoumis which is being held in the hemicycle. He then requests a suspension of the session. Tone up. Ugo Bernalicis is held by the arm by one of his colleagues. He ends up banging on the table. There was also a very brief, unfilmed physical altercation with Liot MP Christophe Naegelen.

Behavior denounced by Sandrine Rousseau

Present during the debates, Gérald DarmaninMinister of the Interior, also targeted, quips: “Ugo is clearly not ready for Beauvau.” Friday morning, Sandrine Rousseau, present during these discussions, denounced the behavior of her colleague. At the end of this eventful sequence, Sacha Houlié, the chairman of the law committee, announced that there would be follow-ups. He is expected to defend the adoption of sanctions against the MP on Tuesday, during the conference of presidents.

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