Politics: François Hollande alongside Anne Hidalgo


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For the first time since the start of her campaign, Anne Hidalgo s‘is presented alongside François Hollande on Saturday 6 November, in Tulle (Corrèze). The journalist Hugo Capelli was live for France 2, and made a small inventory, between the two former rival candidates.

Despite the old enmities and rivalries, Anne Hidalgo and François Hollande seem to be playing the card of unity on Saturday, November 6 in Tulle (Corrèze). The objective of the mayoress of Paris: show that she has managed to unite the entire socialist family around her candidacy. That of the former President of the Republic: show that it remains indispensable to the left.

This sign of union seemed eagerly awaited after the declarations of François Hollande for whom the left is doing everything to lose the presidential elections. In the city of Tulle where François Hollande is from, the latter introduced Anne Hidalgo to traders. The two political figures still present themselves together at the book fair, as well as in the evening, where they will each present a speech in front of the activists. On this occasion, it is expected that the former president renews his support for the left and reiterates that a bad poll is not always a bad sign.


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