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Emmanuel Macron caused an outcry by calling on Europeans not to be followers on the question of Taiwan.
While off the island of Taiwan, tension remains high with China, a statement by Emmanuel Macron places him under fire from American and European criticism. A sentence spoken on the plane that brought the head of state back from China, concerning Taiwan: “The worst thing would be to think that we Europeans will have to follow suit on this subject and adapt to the American rhythm and a Chinese overreaction. The president believes that Europe must find an independent position, which is not modeled on that of the United States.
The international press criticizes
If the White House plays down, some elected Republicans accuse the head of state of betraying the Western camp. The international press was also critical. “Has Macron lost his mind?“asks a German newspaper. For Americans, France”undermines American efforts to control China“, an analysis shared by the boss of the right in the National Assembly in France. Traveling to the Netherlands, Tuesday April 11, Emmanuel Macron called on Europe for greater autonomy.