Politics: Emmanuel Macron will go to the Pope’s mass “as president”



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1 minute


Emmanuel Macron has confirmed his presence at the papal mass on September 23 in Marseille. He said he would go there in his capacity as president.

Faced with criticism, Emmanuel Macron confirms that he will attend the mass celebrated by Pope Francis in Marseille (Bouches-du-Rhône), on September 23. While visiting a church in Côte-d’Or on Friday, the head of state justified his decision. “I consider it my place to go. I will not go as Catholics, but as President of the Republic,” indicated Emmanuel Macron, who recalled that the Pope has the rank of head of state.

A first since 1980

This argument does not convince the left. For communist and rebel leaders, it is in the name of secularism that a French president should not attend this type of religious service. “We are a secular state. A secular republic means that everyone can practice the religion of their choice, but it is a private matter”, estimated Fabien Roussel, the national secretary of the PCF. Jean-Luc Mélenchon tweeted: “No, Mr. President. It is not your place to go to the Pope’s mass.” The presence of a French head of state at a papal mass is a first since that celebrated in 1980.

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