Politics: Elisabeth Borne organizes a dinner with her ministers before the holidays



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The holidays are approaching for the French government. Elizabeth Borne receives, on the evening of Wednesday August 3, his ministers for a dinner without Emmanuel Macron, who is already at the height of Breganconas journalist Hugo explains Capellipresent on the set of 8 Heures, Wednesday August 3rd.

Elisabeth Borne will receive, on the evening of Wednesday August 3, her 41 ministers and secretaries of state for a dinner in the gardens of the Hôtel de Matignon in Paris. “Anyone can come with their spouse. In fact, it is a way of animating his collective, explains the entourage of the Prime Minister. It is also a way of creating a link between the various members of the government, who sometimes do not know each other between their very busy schedules. And then it must be remembered that some were appointed barely a month ago”explains journalist Hugo Capellipresent on the set of 8 Heures, Wednesday August 3rd.

Where are the ministers going for the holidays? “Elisabeth Borne will go to the Var, Éric Dupond-Moretti has chosen the Côte d’Azur. For Gabriel Attal, it will be Corsica. Further west, Bruno Le Maire, the Minister of the Economy, has chosen Brittany, and Pap Ndiaye, the Minister of National Education, will go to the Cotentin. In fact, the rule is the same for each minister. First, it is to recharge your batteries, of course, but also to remain mobile, that is to say not to be more than two hours from Paris. Back to school is August 24 for everyone with the Council of Ministers”concludes the journalist.

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