“Politicians talk a lot but don’t do much”

Every day, Manon Mella gives a voice to young people aged 18-30. Tuesday, November 23, meeting with Jordan, 18, apprentice in bakery.

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Direction Pontivy, in the center of Brittany, in an intergenerational residence where young workers rub shoulders with seniors. Jordan is 18 years old and has lived here for three months. He works in a local bakery where he finishes his apprenticeship. If Jordan wanted to gain independence quickly enough, it was for economic and family reasons. Having grown up in a family in financial difficulty, he preferred not to depend on his parents and move closer to his workplace.

The subject that worries Jordan the most is purchasing power. “Everything is increasing, you just have to look at the price of gasoline. With a salary of 1,016 euros you have to look at the prices. I do my accounts and when I go shopping I go with my calculator“.

“Finding accommodation and a job when you’re 18 is a hassle.”

Jordan, 18

to franceinfo

In April 2022, Jordan absolutely wants to vote. “My family does not vote. I tell myself that if the person for whom I vote is elected then my vote will have been used for something. Our ancestors are beaten for that. The fact that I have the right to vote in 2022 is pretty good.

Jordan wants presidential candidates to talk more about young people. “It is not easy at the moment. I’m not going to spit on Emmanuel Macron because he was unlucky with the CovidThe 18-year-old also confides that he is already worried about his retirement.

As of yet, Jordan doesn’t know who he’s going to vote for. He admits to lacking information, he who has trouble using social networks. “I keep up to date by watching television or chatting with colleagues or neighbors “. Jordan does not feel specially represented and does not trust politics. “The problem with politicians is that they talk a lot but don’t do much. “

The future president, Jordan would like him or her to be “normal, that he touches everything and that he unblocks France for us because there we are badly barred“.

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