Political return: the first Council of Ministers of the government since the holidays


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Wednesday August 24 marks the political start for the government, with a first Council of Ministers scheduled for the morning. Journalist Guillemette Hallardlive from the Élysée, in Paris, explains that the files are numerous, and that the work will not be lacking.

Wednesday August 24 is the political start for the government, with the first Council of Ministers since the holidays, which will be held in the morning. “Autumn is shaping up to be busy. There are of course the consequences of the war in Ukraine, inflation, fuel poverty, but also reforms to be implemented without an absolute majority in the Assembly, such as that of unemployment insurance, or that of pensions . This is without taking into account the dramatic climatic events that took place this summer”reports the journalist Guillemette Hallardlive from the Élysée (Paris).

“According to Emmanuel Macron’s entourage, it is therefore time for the battle for the climate and energy sobriety. A government seminar on ecology will take place next week, and the government is expected to present a renewable energy acceleration bill in the fall.continues the journalist. “The return to parliament will only take place from October 3”concludes the journalist.

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