Before the vote on June 9, those responsible for the different lists are thinking about how to make an impact in the home stretch to win the maximum number of votes in the European elections.
Reading time: 2 min

The European elections will take place on June 9, in less than a month. The campaign teams are launching their backplanning with the idea of pulling out all the stops during the last two weeks.
By saying that the campaign “has not started”, that’s it, the teams have just passed the second. From the end of May, it will even be third gear for the final straight. It was during this period that public opinion “crystallizes”, as the pollsters say. This fixing of the vote is even later for Europeans and it is at this moment that we will have to make an impression.
It is “a campaign of humor, of the last moment, what will count are certainly the elements that we sow gradually but also the end”, assures a strategist of Reconquest! passed through several right-wing parties. He imagines Marion Maréchal carrying out the same “surprise” than Yannick Jadot in 2019. “We are on the same curves: the green candidate was given 6 or 7% at the beginning of May and he ended up at 13.5%”, he assures. Even the favorite list, the RN, is preparing to campaign until the end. “Jordan Bardella will do media interviews until the last Friday, and that week we will double with Marine Le Pen”, explains a campaign executive. Far from being triumphalist, she believes that it “We need to mobilize voters who may only hear about this election two days before!”
Series of debates and meetings
We must therefore expect a succession of meetings and appearances in the media. At least four debates organized by television channels over the last two weeks, the very last on France 2, on Tuesday June 4. Each camp will bring a “particular attention”. But, to be sure to keep control of their last message, most of the candidates will still have a meeting afterwards: Wednesday 5 or even two meetings for Valérie Hayer on Wednesday and Thursday June 6. This day marks a trap date, identified by its competitors, because France commemorates with great fanfare the 80th anniversary of the landing. Emmanuel Macron and the international guests risk saturating the media space. The President of the Republic could be tempted to send subliminal messages against the RN, his entourage tells us.
The prize for extremism goes for the moment to Raphaël Glücksmann who is planning a meeting on Friday June 7 with Martine Aubry. It will be about the legacy of Jacques Delors, a symbol that the socialists do not want to leave to Macronie. The other lists are still thinking about formats to exist over these last two days of the campaign. The latter ends on Friday June 7 at midnight. No more right to communicate afterwards, whether from the candidates or the media!