political orientation has become a sensitive subject in a community of seniors


Video length: 2 min

United States: political orientation has become a sensitive subject in a community of seniors

The Villages is the largest retirement community in the world. Located in the United States, it is the scene of the political divide that we observe everywhere else in the country.


The Villages is the largest retirement community in the world. Located in the United States, it is the scene of the political divide that we observe everywhere else in the country.

An hour’s drive from Orlando, in the heart of central Florida (United States), is the largest retirement community in the world. Built in the 1970s, The Villages requires its residents to be over 55 and have a certain vision of politics. Diane Foley is head of the Village Democrats club. “It’s not a good idea to share our opinions unless we know who we’re talking to, otherwise it’s a guarantee of being attacked.”she assures.

Two irreconcilable sides

The Villages has 16,000 declared Democrats compared to 68,0000 Republicans. Voter groups are now keeping their distance. Political orientation has become a particularly sensitive subject. To the point that the Democrats decided to create support groups. Like the country, The Villages seems to be fractured into two irreconcilable sides.

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