Video duration: 10 min
Mathilde Panot summoned by the police: “political disputes” should not be resolved “before the courts”, believes Raphaël Glucksmann (PS-Place publique)
Mathilde Panot summoned by the police: “political disputes” should not be resolved “before the courts”, believes Raphaël Glucksmann (PS-Place publique)
(France 2)
Raphaël Glucksmann, head of the Socialist Party (PS)-Public Place list in the European elections, was the guest of “4 Vérités” on France 2, Wednesday April 24.
Mathilde Panot, president of the La France insoumise (LFI) group in the National Assembly, announced on Tuesday April 23 that she had been summoned by the police for “apology of terrorism”. A summons which comes as part of an investigation opened after the publication, by his parliamentary group, on October 7 of a press release on the attack carried out by Hamas against Israel. A press release in which LFI does not firmly condemn the Hamas attack, but evokes a “armed offensive which takes place in a context of intensification of the Israeli occupation policy”.
“I have an extremely deep confrontation with LFI, and what they did on October 7 is a political, moral, serious mistake”says Raphaël Glucksmann in “4 Vérités” on France 2, Wednesday. “But on the other hand, I am extremely against [le fait] that political disputes, however violent, however deep they may be, be resolved before the courts.”continues the head of the Socialist Party (PS)-Public place list in the European elections.
“You have to be very careful”
“I am against conference bans”adds Raphaël Glucksmann, in reference to the canceled conference by Jean-Luc Mélenchon and Rima Hassan on Palestine in Lille (North). “We must be very careful. Even our fiercest adversaries, even the comments that we abhor, that we detest, that we combat politically, democracy must integrate them into the democratic debate, particularly in an electoral campaign”he believes.