(Lima) Peru has banned former Bolivian President Evo Morales from entering its territory for his “intervention” in the internal political affairs of the country, plunged into a serious institutional and political crisis, the Ministry of Health announced on Monday. ‘Interior.
“Nine Bolivian nationals, including Mr. Juan Evo Morales Ayma, have been banned from entering the country through all immigration checkpoints,” the Interior Ministry said, assuring that “in recent months, foreign citizens of Bolivian nationality have been identified as having entered the country to carry out political proselytizing activities”.
The announcement coincides with new protests and road blockages in six of Peru’s 25 regions. The protesters demand the resignation of Dina Boluarte, who arrived at the head of the country after the dismissal of the socialist Pedro Castillo, a new Parliament and the immediate holding of elections, already advanced from 2026 to April 2024.
Evo Morales, who presided over Bolivia from 2006 to 2019, lamented on Twitter the Peruvian government’s decision, saying the measure was intended to “create a diversion and avoid responsibility for the serious human rights violations of our Peruvian brothers”. .

Former Bolivian President Evo Morales
Clashes between supporters of the former president and security forces have so far left 22 dead.
The former Bolivian president has been active in Peruvian politics since Pedro Castillo came to power in July 2021 until his ousting on December 7.
Since then, Evo Morales has expressed his support for the demonstrations demanding the departure of Dina Boluarte and in particular those which take place in Puno, the Aymara region (Amerindian people) which borders Bolivia.
“While right-wing oligarchic groups in Peru try to intimidate us with untenable lies and accusations, brutal repression continues against indigenous brothers and sisters demanding justice, democracy and the recovery of their natural resources. Deep Peru has awakened, ”wrote on Twitter on Saturday Evo Morales, ex-cocalero peasant (coca producer) from an Aymara family, who last visited the Peruvian neighbor in November.
Protests began in Peru after Mr Castillo was impeached by Parliament and subsequently arrested, following his attempt to dissolve Parliament, which was described as a “coup d’etat”.
Dina Boluarte is the sixth person to hold the presidency in five years, in a country that is experiencing a permanent political crisis punctuated by suspicions of corruption.