The tradition continues for conductor Kent Nagano and storyteller Fred Pellerin: the two partners will present their sixth Christmas story in 12 years with the Orchester symphonique de Montréal (OSM), Polichignon’s secretat the Maison symphonique until December 17.
The man who was artistic director of the OSM for 15 years seems particularly happy to be back in Montreal when we meet him on Wednesday in the offices of the Maison symphonique. “What’s missing is snow!” he said smiling. It seems that I missed a beautiful week of snow, unfortunately there is plenty of sunshine…”
Also happy to find Fred Pellerin? He leaves a short silence. “But I never lost Fred!” »
There’s a lot of action behind the scenes, and a lot of details to tie up. Kent Nagano is always happy to return to the Maison symphonique. “What Montrealers have created here is remarkable. It is one of the best concert halls in the world. »
The two accomplices arrive on stage for the rehearsal. They work on Polichignon’s secret since May so that the music and the story fit together perfectly.
Lighting tests before starting to play, with the classic giant Christmas ball which transforms according to the different tables. The show is also captured for television and will be broadcast on ICI Télé on December 23 at 8 p.m.
The real armchair of the real Méo, the village hairdresser
It was the first time on Wednesday that Fred Pellerin told the story in front of the orchestra musicians, who were eager to hear it, Kent Nagano told us. We also saw them laughing on several occasions.
Fred Pellerin is closer than ever to the orchestra. “I risk being injured by a bow from the first violin!” I’m really part of the band, I’m privileged. »
Fred Pellerin, who joined the conversation, agrees. This “irregular continuity” and this relationship of trust is so unique that neither one nor the other would do it with another accomplice. “We constructed this language, a form that the maestro does not use without me, nor I without him. Before, we worked diligently, but we became efficient over time. Our ping-pong is effective. »
A unique result every time
Their previous Christmas story, Paradise Post, was presented in December 2021. “It was very special,” remembers Kent Nagano, who says that it was from the last performance that they decided to put it back in 2023. Does Fred Pellerin do it still laughing so much? “He makes me more than laugh, he makes me speechless ! » The maestro, whose French is still impressive, laughs then clarifies.
“Fred is so creative. Preparing for these concerts cannot be done in a few days. We’ve been working on this for six months. Fred became more sophisticated with his knowledge of classical music. For my part, I learned a lot about Quebec, the accent and the dialect! As a joke, I say that I now understand 85% of what he says. But the first time…”

Kent Nagano and Fred Pellerin in interview before rehearsal
For Kent Nagano, the advantage of this collaboration is that the result is original and unique each time. “It’s not a Hollywood sequel: Rocky 1, 2, 3, we find a formula and we repeat. Each time it’s very different. » And he was able to see the depth that the storyteller adds to his stories from year to year. “It is more and more moving. We leave in the evening, yes we laughed, but we had one more layer. »
That’s part of the trust that developed. We say to ourselves: “How far are we going this time?” For example, this time, the opening will be the most poetic that we dared to do.
Fred Pellerin
But what exactly will we talk about? Polichignon’s secret ? “From Méo, the village barber we already know. It will talk about his limits in relation to the secrets of his customers, and there will be a love story, which will end a little sadly on Christmas Eve. »
News from Kent Nagano
We’re taking advantage of Kent Nagano’s visit to Montreal to catch up on his news. Now music director of the Hamburg Philharmonic, he says he is “stimulated” by all the projects and challenges that present themselves to him. “That’s what’s great about performing arts: by definition, it’s not repetitive. We work for a community that moves and evolves, but at the same time we can feel the past. This orchestra will be 375 years old in two years, it’s a great tradition, and it’s great to be part of it. »
And what does he think of this trend of films about conductors? He who knew Leonard Bernstein personally – he was his student – is in no hurry to see Bradley Cooper’s film about the legendary American leader. “Those who knew him, who knew his depth, don’t really want to go see a fiction about him. Maybe later… I’m not going to say no. But for now, I prefer to keep direct contact. »