Policeman and close to Cedric Jubillar, he appears in the front row of Eric Zemmour’s Trocadéro meeting

There are only a few days left before the start of the votes for the election of the next President of the Republic. Public appearances follow one another while waiting. The one who had the biggest meeting this Sunday, March 27, 2022 is none other thanEric Zemmour who was accompanied by Marion Maréchal Lepen.

Although this gathering has been singled out in particular because of the remarks “Macron Murderer”, Eric Zemmour seems to have been rather satisfied by this moment having brought together more than 100,000 people. “Yesterday, I didn’t hear this word that the press is talking about and that I don’t endorse. But I saw what the press doesn’t talk about: I saw 100,000 enthusiastic, patriotic and proud French people. I have seen French people who can no longer stand politicians and left-wing ideology!” he tweeted about it.

For his part, Emmanuel Macron also replied and was not kind to him. since he called him a “deaf” candidate.

But this is not the only detail that has terrified Internet users. Indeed, new elements have been reported concerning this gathering. Among the supporters of the presidential candidate, there was a certain Cyril Hémardinquer. The latter turns out to be a very good friend of Cédric Jubillar. Viewers have already seen it in Do not touch My TV where he had defended himself in the Delphine case, the wife of his friend met online. “He loved Delphine and that was his whole life. And when he saw that he was losing her, he lost his footing and indeed, it’s human and it’s the case of thousands of couples, he tried to find out where she is going, what she buys, who she sees, how she does it, because it’s a reaction that is spontaneous“revealed the man who is a police officer by profession. It has now been several weeks since he joined its ranks.

Cyril Hemardinquer has already spoken several times on television for political and migratory subjects, to criticize the management of the health crisis or to give his feelings about suicides in the police. Former support of the National Rally, the man revealed that for him, Eric Zemmour is “the only one capable of saving France”.

See also: Eric Zemmour tackled by Laurent Ruquier

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