Police: the IGPN seized after the broadcast of a video where agents spray a homeless person with tear gas


Article written by

A.Schiller, M.Huguet, B.Moignaux, @LesRévélateurs – franceinfo

France Televisions

Friday July 15, the prefecture of Paris announced to seize the General Inspectorate of the national police (IGPN). At the origin of this decision, a video broadcast on social networks on which we can see the police spraying a homeless person with tear gas at Le Bourget, in Seine-Saint-Denis.

On a video filmed at Le Bourget (Seine-Saint-Denis)police officers can be seen spraying a homeless person with tear gas from their car in 4:30 in the morning. The gesture seems almost gratuitous. The scene was filmed by a witness alerted by noises. The man is well known to the mayor of the city, Jean-Baptiste Borsali : “He’s a homeless man who walks around quite often, who scavenges. So we try to fix his situation. What I can only say is that, to have access to him quite often, (… ) not a person who is aggressive or disrespectful.”

On Twitter, Friday, July 15, the police headquarters said to seize the General Inspectorate of the National Police (IGPN) “to expedite an investigation into the use of tear gas by a police crew”and added: “Officials once identified will be subject to suspension. An investigation should soon shed light on this case.

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