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Last May, Chahinez Daoud was found burned alive by her ex-husband. His multiple calls for help were not heeded and the police were fined.
In connection with the Chahinez murder case Daoud in Mérignac (Gironde), five police officers appeared in court on Tuesday, January 4. They received penalties ranging from a simple warning to temporary exclusion from their position for 3 suspended days. Fairly weak sanctions with which Eric Marrocq, general secretary of the Alliance Police Nationale union, was satisfied: “Our colleagues could not serve as scapegoats, which is what we tried to prove in the disciplinary council. Dysfunctions at the level of hierarchical authority were recognized.“
Killed in May 2021 by her ex-husband, Chahine Daoud had several times alert the police on the dangerousness of her former husband, several times convicted of acts of violence, but no precautionary measures had been put in place. Sanctions have yet to be validated.