Police officers killed in Magnanville: “The family does not expect much” from the trial, confides Christophe Rouget, police commander



Video duration:
5 min

France info

Christophe Rouget, police commander and secretary general of the SCSI-CFDT, is the guest of 19/20 info, Monday September 25. He speaks about his expectations regarding the trial of the Magnanville attack.

The trial of the accused of the Magnanville attack, in which two police officers lost their lives, opened this Monday, September 25. What feelings emerge in the profession on this occasion?My feeling, It is firstly a lot of emotions to talk about Jean-Baptiste again and Jessica, because it is a deep divide in the house of the national police”, confides Christophe Rouget, police commander, guest on the set of 19/20 info, Monday September 25.

Relatives hope that the accused’s complicity will be established

Beyond this emotion, there is the trial which begins, the family finally ndon’t wait much. But we hope to have elements that have not appeared today. Why did this terrorist target Jean-Baptiste? Not sure we’ll know at the end of the trial.”thinks Christophe Rouget. However, they hope that the accused’s complicity will be established”because he is a dangerous jihadist, he should not be found in the wild”he says.

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