Police officers killed in Magnanville: defending the worst crimes “becomes very difficult for lawyers”, says Me William Bourdon


Video length:
9 mins

France info

The 19/20 info receives Me William Bourdon, lawyer at the Paris bar, who discusses the trial of the Magnanville attack. He explains how sometimes lawyers defend the worst crimes.

How can we defend clients who are sometimes prosecuted for the worst crimes?Having defended a certain number prosecuted on this charge, it becomes very difficult for the lawyers”admits Me William Bourdon, lawyer at the Paris bar, guest of 19/20 info, Monday September 25. When the trial takes place under great emotion, this can in particular create “asymmetries” and complicate the task.

If we add to this the national consensus, which can be understood (…), we see that in a sneaky, slow way, a certain number of principles are being eroded in these trials“, says Mr. William Bourdon.

The presumption of guilt

Thus, the lawyer noted that certain defendants were convicted when they should not have been, and were convicted on the basis of weak signals.The presumption ofinnocence sometimes converted into presumption of guilt”he continues. The benefit of the doubt in major trials turns into “benefit of conviction” according to Me William Bourdon. As a lawyer, it is therefore their duty to “sound the alarm”.

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