Demonstrations were notably planned for Shahid Day, which pays tribute to Algerian fighters who died during the Algerian War.
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He evokes “risk of serious disturbances to public order”. The police chief banned the demonstration planned for Sunday February 18 in Paris, for National Shaheed Day (the martyr). A gathering was planned for 2 p.m., Place de la Nation, at the call of a collective, to pay tribute to the Algerian fighters who died during the Algerian War (1954-1962) which led to the country’s independence .
This day also marks the fifth anniversary of Hirak, a movement to protest Algerian power which emerged in 2019 to oppose the election for a fifth term of Abdelaziz Bouteflika, who was forced to resign. On this occasion, rallies were planned in the capital. They were also banned by the police headquarters.