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Tuesday, August 9, a hundred police officers and rescuers participated in training in a school in Florida, United States, intended to make them more effective in the event of a shooter’s intrusion into a school.
Gunshots inside a classroom and police car sirens immediately arriving on the scene. We are in a school in Florida, United States, and this scene is fortunately fictitious, Tuesday August 9th. It is actually an exercise in real conditions, with real policemen and fake students. The objective is to better understand the intrusion of a killer into a school.
The last major mass shooting in the United States took place in the school of Uvalde, Texas, on May 24, 2022. The victims, 19 children and two teachers, were shot dead by a young American armed with machine guns . The investigation revealed flaws in the police system and especially the slowness of the intervention. It is precisely to avoid the same errors that this simulation of an attack in a school will become widespread in public establishments in 40 American states.