Pôle Emploi will strengthen its controls




Article written by

“A.Sylvain, K. Toufik, S. Feydel, M.Barrois, S. Lacombe” – France 3

France Televisions

There will be more checks at Pôle Emploi to check whether the unemployed are actively looking for a job, on pain of losing their allowance.

Pressure on the unemployed: the government wants to control them more in the future. On RTL, this morning, the Minister of Labor, Élisabeth Borne, announced that in 2019, “Pôle emploi carried out around 400,000 checks. And in the next six months, they will do 250,000 checks, so an increase of 25% “. Currently, with his advisor Employment center, an unemployed person must define a reasonable job offer according to his characteristics, geographical area and salary. In theory, after two refusals, he would expose himself to a one-month delisting, a sanction hitherto little used.

Among the unemployed interviewed by France 3, the announcement of Emmanuel Macron is not unanimous and it arouses reactions from the unions. “The number of people assigned to job search checks is too large for us. It would be necessary to reallocate them to support job seekers “, says Guillaume Bourdic, member of the CGT Pôle Emploi. The unemployment insurance reform plans, from December 1, to extend working hours from four to six months before receiving benefits.

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