Pôle Emploi is recruiting a groom / groom M/F

The Alexis Gruss Company is recruiting a groom/groom to join its team dedicated to the care of its cavalry composed of 50 stallions.

Under the supervision of the Chief of the Cavalry, the future groom will be in charge of the following missions:
– Prepare horses and equipment for training
– Work on the lunge, warm-up, cool-down, etc.
– Provide horse care (state of health and preventive care)
– Curing and grooming
– Maintenance of boxes
– Food

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Skills and qualities required:
– Very good knowledge of horse care
– Good physical condition and resistance to fatigue: large working hours (weekends)

Training(s) or equivalences:
– Certificate of professional agricultural aptitude Groom groomer (CAP Agricole Groom groomer)
– Bac Pro Conduct and Management of the Horse Business (Bac Pro CGEH)
– Professional diploma in horse racing business (BPREH)
– Equine Groom
– Professional Title Manager of small and medium equestrian structure

To apply, contact your agency Employment center with the following offer reference: 133RMFN

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