Polar Bear | The world of polar bears

True to form, Disneynature is taking advantage of Earth Day to launch a feature film with strikingly beautiful images.

Posted at 12:30 p.m.

Danielle Bonneau

Danielle Bonneau
The Press

Alastair Fothergill and Jeff Wilson, who braved intense cold to make Penguinsin Antarctica, this time set sail for Svalbard, a Norwegian archipelago located 1046 km from the North Pole.

With their dedicated team, they spent 94 days on land (travelling 46,335 km by snowmobile) and 147 days at sea to reveal the lives and challenges faced by polar bears, amplified by climate change.

At the heart of the movie Polar bear (Polar bear in French version) are a mother, her two cubs and the bonds that unite them.

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