Poland will build a barrier on the border with the Russian enclave of Kaliningrad

The country already has a physical and electronic barrier along its border with Belarus.

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The Polish Minister of Defense announced on Wednesday, November 2, the construction of a barrier along the border with the Russian enclave of Kaliningrad. The goal: to prevent illegal crossings of migrants, orchestrated, according to Warsaw, by Russia. Following the launch of flights connecting the Middle East and North Africa with Kaliningrad, “I have decided to act in order to increase security at the border with the enclave (…). We are starting to build a temporary barrier there”Mariusz B told reporters.Iaszczak.

According to him, the barrier will consist of three parallel barbed wire fences, 2.5m high and an overall width of 3m, as well as electronic equipment. Work begins “from today” on this 210 km long land border, he insisted.

The Russian Kaliningrad Oblast is located in the northeast of Polish territory and in the south of Lithuania.  (GOOGLE MAPS)

Poland has already set up a physical and electronic barrier along its border with Belarus, an ally of Moscow. Warsaw accuses the regime of Alexander Lukashenko of letting in migrants wishing to reach the European Union, which Minsk denies.

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