Poland overwhelmed by influx of refugees




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Poland is the country that hosts the most Ukrainian refugees. Journalist Thomas Cuny is on Saturday, March 12, at the border with Ukraine.

Poland finds itself overwhelmed by Ukrainian refugees fleeing their war-torn country. Live from the Polish border, Saturday March 12, journalist Thomas Cuny says that a dozen refugees have just arrived in the morning. “According to the UN, since the beginning of the war, more of 2.2 million people fled their country, half of whom arrived in Poland“, he reports.

The aim of the authorities is that the refugees ukrainians do not stay more than 24 hours at the Polish border. They must be cared for by host families or directed to accommodation centres. “But we have seen it ourselves, these deadlines seem impossible to meet as the influx is massive”, explains the journalist. Several people claimed to have been there for at least four days, before being taken supported by NGOs or humanitarian associations. “This outpouring of solidarity will certainly not be enough to deal with this influx of refugees.”concludes Thomas Cuny.

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