Poland is the country that currently hosts the largest number of Ukrainians




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This is the figure communicated on Sunday March 6 by the United Nations: in ten days, more than 1.5 million refugees fled Ukraine. An exodus that continues. We join our special correspondent Laurent Desbonnets at the border in Poland.

Poland is the country that currently hosts the largest number of Ukrainians. “The pace here continues to pick up, just yesterday Polish border guards counted no less than 129,000 refugees crossing the border”, reports Laurent Desbonnets, special correspondent for France Télévisions on the Polish border. Buses arrive approximately every ten minutes, at all hours of the day.

At the Polish border, Ukrainian refugees find “a little food, warm clothes, they warm up a bit and most often, after only a few hours, they hit the road again in buses or private cars to reach accommodation solutions throughout Poland”, says Laurent Desbonnets. Polish solidarity to absorb this flow of migrants “works great so farsays the journalist. There is no refugee camp where thousands of Ukrainians would be crowded”. Nearly 4 million people could leave Ukraine to escape war, according to the UN.

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