Poland is ending its contracts with the Pfizer vaccine for a very specific reason…

This is a great world first. For the first time, a country has announced that it wants to terminate its contracts with Pfizer. The Polish government has told the Reuters news agency that it refuses “to take or from the country more vaccines against Covid-19 at this time”.

Visibly unafraid of the idea of ​​starting a legal dispute with the American laboratory, the Polish Ministry of Health also indicated that it would not pay for new deliveries of vaccines: “At the end of last week, we used the force majeure clause and informed both the European Commission and the main vaccine producer (Pfizer, editor’s note) that we refuse to take these vaccines at this time and that we refuse also to pay.

Why this termination?

If many already seem certain that the many side effects of the vaccine explain this sudden termination, it is however probably not the main reason which pushed Poland to interrupt its contract with Pfizer.

And for good reason, since the start of the vaccination campaign, only 59% of Poles have completed their vaccination schedule compared to 72.5% on a European scale… Observation: the Polish population is reluctant to be vaccinated, like the 25 millions of doses of vaccines still not used can testify to this… It is therefore easy to understand why this country does not wish to order new doses…

See also: “It’s complicated!” : Michel Cymes at its worst…

Lisa Ziane

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