Poilievre outlines his priorities for the federal budget

Lowering taxes, eliminating the carbon tax and accelerating the creation of affordable housing: the leader of the Conservative Party of Canada, Pierre Poilievre, announced his three priorities on Sunday for the March 28 federal budget.

At a press conference on Sunday, Pierre Poilievre again accused Prime Minister Justin Trudeau of being responsible for the rising cost of living.

“That doesn’t make sense. […] It has widened deficits, raised inflation and interest rates, which has sent monthly mortgage payments skyrocketing for ordinary Canadians,” he said.

Poilievre says he wants “the budget to make Canada a country that works for hard-working people again. On Friday, Finance Minister Chrystia Freeland announced that she will table the next federal budget on Tuesday, March 28.

First, the leader of the Conservative Party calls for “bringing home strong paychecks” and lowering taxes. “We need a system that rewards work and encourages more work among our people,” he said.

He also wants to make prices more affordable by eliminating the carbon tax. “The carbon tax makes gasoline and groceries more expensive,” he said. Finally, he wants more affordable housing to be created by speeding up the process of obtaining building permits.

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