Poilievre could give the taste of independence to Quebec, according to Blanchet

(Montreal) The election of Pierre Poilievre as head of the Conservative Party of Canada could well give a taste of independence to many Quebecers, believes in turn the leader of the Bloc Québécois, Yves-François Blanchet.

Posted at 11:40 a.m.

Lia Levesque
The Canadian Press

The Bloc leader agrees in this with the leader of the Parti Québécois, Paul St-Pierre Plamondon, who made similar comments the day before.

The election of Mr. Poilievre last weekend has the merit of making things clear, said the leader of the Bloc, interviewed in Montreal after his appearance before the Commission on the delimitation of federal electoral districts.

According to Mr. Blanchet, the choice thus arises more clearly between an unacknowledged multiculturalist and pro-oil Justin Trudeau, that of Poilievre who is resolutely pro-oil, with “extremely conservative” values ​​and, for Quebec, the choice of its own values, its recognition and its language, therefore sovereignty, he summarized.

The leader of the Bloc said he hoped that Mr. Poilievre “will stand his ground on his values” so that his message remains clear. He summarized Mr. Poilievre’s ideas as follows: the lack of utility of sanitary measures at the height of the COVID-19 pandemic, the truckers’ seat in Ottawa was acceptable, his defense of cryptocurrencies and his willingness to exploit more hydrocarbons, even if it means adapting to the climatic upheavals that this will cause.

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