Poilievre and the ministry of “common sense”

In politics, this notion is very practical, but it can mean anything and everything, like the leader of the Conservative Party, Pierre Poilievre, when he uses and abuses this slogan in his recent speeches.

“Common sense” is the myth of the obvious. It is the idea that all problems, even the most complex, can have a simple solution, that of the little people, based on common sense, on what everyone is supposed to believe, without logic or in-depth reflection. This is the typical slogan of a populist and demagogic idea.

In the 21ste century, the concept of governing like a “good father” fizzled out. Pierre Poilievre wants to govern Canada through the ministry of common sense. However, it rather gives the appearance of a black hole in which expertise and analysis disappear.

Emmanuel BéviaJanuary 17, 2024

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