Pogues singer hospitalized

(Dublin) Lead singer of British Celtic punk band The Pogues, Shane MacGowan, best known for the indecent Christmas song fairy tale of new yorkwas hospitalized, his wife said on Twitter.

He is “in hospital again and really hoping to get out as soon as possible,” his wife Victoria Clarke tweeted on Monday, posting a photo of the 64-year-old singer in a wheelchair.

Shane MacGowan, born in England in 1957 to Irish parents, founded the group The Pogues in 1982. He then played Irish ballads in pubs, interpreted at a hundred miles an hour by musicians merrily mixing Irish rhythms and the energy of punks.

Combining Celtic legends and drunkenness, The Pogues became the political voice of young Irish immigrants in London in the 1980s, anti-Thatcher and anti-censorship.

Shane MacGowan had already been hospitalized in 2016 after breaking his pelvis. His wife then revealed that the iconic toothless singer was finally sober, he whose career was marked by alcoholism.

On social media, fans wished him a speedy recovery on Tuesday, sometimes associating Shane MacGowan with the “Christmas sound”.

The Pogues’ greatest commercial success is indeed fairy tale of new yorka 1987 duet between Shane MacGowan and Kirsty MacColl that has become a Christmas classic that sells like hot cakes in Ireland and the United Kingdom.

The BBC had tried to redact the insulting exchanges between two old lovers in the song You scumbag, you maggot, you cheap lousy faggot (“you’re a bastard, a maggot, a poor fag with two bullets”), “ You’re an old slut on junk (“And you an old cameo bitch”), but had to give it up in front of the general outcry.

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