Pogba case: Mathias claims to risk “his life”, new strong revelations about the family war

So far, Juventus Turin has only wanted to do “no comment“, reports AFP. The Italian club sent the journalists to the entourage of Paul Pogba, including his mother Yeo Moriba, and his agent Rafaela Pimenta. They denounced Sunday “threat” and “organized extortion attempts“targeting the star of the Blues and announced to have taken legal action”a month ago” in Italy and France. “The injured work apart from the team, I haven’t seen Pogba“, for his part simply declared the coach of the team, Massimiliano Allegri.

The mother of the Pogba brothers heard

A preliminary investigation was opened on August 3 by the head of organized gang extortion and attempt, the investigations of which were entrusted to the Central Office for the Fight against Organized Crime (Oclo). According to information from franceinfo, Paul Pogba told investigators that he had been intimidated several times in Manchester, his ex-club, and up to the Juventus training center, where he returned this summer. He declares having recognized among the suspects his brother Mathias, twin of Florentin. Yeo Moriba, mother of the two footballers, was heard as a witness.

The name of Kylian Mbappé also appeared in this dark affair. Paul Pogba explained to investigators that “his blackmailers wanted to discredit him by broadcasting messages in which he allegedly asked a marabout from his family circle to cast a spell“to the PSG striker, which he denies.

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