Pogba affair, new revelation: the blackmailers have already extracted a fortune from Paul!

It is the family war that has shaken the world of football for several days. France star Paul Pogba has accused his brother Mathias of extortion since the publication of a video of his eldest who simply promises to ruin the footballer’s reputation. Atmosphere less than three months from the World Cup in Qatar. If we already knew that Paul Pogba had been the victim of theft and blackmail, we learn today that the sportsman had already yielded to the extortion attempt of which he was the victim. According to RMCit would indeed have paid about 100,000 euros to his blackmailers. In order to prevent the dissemination of a compromising video? We should soon know the answer since Mathias should be invited in Do not touch My TV ! this week.

Everything you need to know about the case

Mathias, 32, is Paul’s eldest (29) and Florentin’s twin. Like his brothers, the native of Conakry (Guinea) embarked on a very winding professional career, with 13 clubs in 13 years, landing in 2021 in Belfort (N2, 4th division) where he did not leave a memory. imperishable, playing only twelve matches, specifies AFP. “We can talk about a casting error“, recognized Jean-Paul Simon, the president of the club, last April in the columns of theIs Republican. In recent months, Mathias Pogba has also been one of the regular columnists of the television show The evening teamon the L’Equipe channel. The Pogba clan seemed extremely tight-knit so far, appearing very often together on social networks. Mathias and Florentin and their mother, Yeo Moriba, attend French team matches very regularly. Paul Pogba is also one of the main donors of Mathias’ association, “48 H POUR”.

The case starts on Saturday evening with the publication on social networks ofan enigmatic video of Mathias Pogba, recorded in four languages ​​(French, English, Italian, Spanish). He announces that he wants to make soon “big revelations” on his brother Paul and his representative Rafaela Pimenta, who has just taken over the helm of the football agent company of the recently deceased Mino Raiola. Reading a text in front of the camera, he claims that “the whole world“, the “sponsors” and Juventus Turin “deserve to know certain things in order to decide in full knowledge of the facts if he (Paul) really deserves admiration, respect, his place in the French team, if he is a trustworthy person“.”It could all be explosive.“, he concludes, without further details on the nature of his “revelations”.

Paul Pogba’s advisers reacted on Sunday by publishing a press release, denouncing “organized extortion attempts“against the player.”Mathias Pogba’s recent statements on social media unfortunately come as no surprise“, they indicate, specifying that “the competent authorities in Italy and France were seized a month ago“. According to France Info, Paul Pogba claims that he was asked for the sum of 13 million euros, and that one of his relatives would have withdrawn 200,000 euros with his card credit. According to information from France Info confirmed to AFP by a source familiar with the matter, Paul Pogba told investigators that he had “in particular was trapped by childhood friends and two hooded men armed with assault rifles”, accusing him of not having helped them financially. Paul Pogba also assures investigators that he has been intimidated several times in Manchester, his former club, and up to the Juventus training center. Among the suspects, he claims to have recognized his brother Mathias.

The name of French football star Kylian Mbappé appears in the case against his will. Paul Pogba explained to investigators that “his blackmailers wanted to discredit him by broadcasting messages in which he would have asked a marabout of his family circle to cast a spell” to the PSG striker, which he denies. In tweets published on Sunday evening after the revelations concerning Paul’s hearing, Mathias Pogba takes Mbappé to witness: “Kylian, now do you understand? I have nothing negative against you, my words are for your good, everything is true and proven, the marabout is known! Sorry about this brother, a so-called Muslim deep into witchcraft.”

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