Poetry Month: “Coming Together”

On the occasion of Poetry Month, The duty, with the complicity of the Bureau des affaires poétiques, gives a poem to read each week. Third of five.

face together

In truth, we live our life, everywhere, not alone at all.

Who is good, who is in pain, who had nothing, who had everything,

We don’t dismiss the other as far as we think,

We rub shoulders, me, you, to compete together.

CEO or guyshop, his children, his wife and

The infamous seller and the hungry buyer,

That these teeming roles exist in our morals,

So many actresses, actors, I see only one family.

Whether one persists in control and the other fears or prays,

You know, when it’s sad, we cry, and when it’s funny, we laugh,

When it’s hot, we burn, and if it’s cold, we freeze,

Worse, it always hurts when it’s you who’s frozen.

Earth is a village and for all we know,

Everywhere, people know how to think, eat, drink, dance,

And common sense is that life surprises us,

Everywhere we give, we take, and above all we learn.

We have earth, water, sky, fire, and never mind,

You are naked at my door, and I, naked at yours.

In this slightly crazy world, you get lost, you find yourself there;

Everything is one, that’s for sure; no one loses, if you open up.

Despite the self crowned king and the we massacred,

It’s not the time to complain or to curse, it’s the time that it creates.

The author

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