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Standing by: The Terry and Ted Podcast

Standing by: The Terry and Ted Podcast
By bidding farewell to CHOM FM last May, morning host Terry DiMonte offered his loyal listeners one of the most moving moments in the history of Montreal radio; it will no longer be possible to listen Today, I say hello to life, of Harmonium, without covering our eyes with a damp veil. The retirement will have been short-lived for the host, who reconnected in September with his former colleague Ted Bird at the microphone of the podcast Standing by. If doing live radio is like a wire act, as Terry has already explained, the happiness of hearing them in this new format is due to the total relaxation with which they discuss their rich respective careers as well as their vision of the metropolis, which they love. The duo recently launched its second season with a certain Marc Cassivi as guest.
Sports, full stop!

Sports, full stop!
Few athletes have negotiated their transition from the world of competition to that of the media with as much grace as Roseline Filion, who, every morning on ICI Première, uses her experience as an athlete to shed light on sports news for Patrick Masbourian. The Rio Olympics medalist was the perfect candidate to join journalist Geneviève Tardif at the helm of Sports, full stop!, a series of discussions that have women’s sport as a starting point, but which quickly overflow its borders. Each episode pairs a high-level athlete (like Maxime Dufour-Lapointe) with a personality from another milieu (like the mayor of Longueuil, Catherine Fournier), for a time of discussion around topics such as ambition, body image or self-marketing. A video version of the podcast is also available on ICI
Find Mnemo

Find Mnemo
Just when we were about to decide that all the podcast concepts had been imagined, Frédéric Barbusci and Antoine Vézina came to the fore. When they were roommates, the actors had fun, each time they passed in front of the world map covering the wall of the corridor, testing each other’s knowledge: what is the capital of Kyrgyzstan? That of Gambia? From Eritrea? (Answers: Bishkek, Banjul and Asmara.) In order to allow you too to learn by heart the names of the capitals of the 195 countries of the planet, the friends present today all the mnemonic tricks (often wacky) which help them to strengthen their memory. Each of the twelve-minute episodes also reminds us that these two are not stars of improv rinks for nothing. You will be ready if the show All for one takes the antenna one day. Find Mnemo is offered exclusively on iHeartRadio platforms.
The prescription with the Dr Fred Lambert

The prescription
Is Fred Lambert a real doctor? Of course, but not the kind that heals booboos of body and mind. Although… As a violist in the Molinari Quartet, the holder of a doctorate in music from McGill University has undoubtedly alleviated the ills of many music lovers. A cultural omnivore as insightful when it comes to Bartók as he is to American humour, the musician and columnist oft-heard on the defunct show Medium wide continues to break down the barriers between high culture and popular culture in this new series of in-depth interviews he conducts with artists such as pianist Charles Richard-Hamelin and choreographer Mélanie Demers. Each conversation ends with a ping-pong of all-out cultural recommendations – the famous prescriptions of the title – between the bowed doctor and his guest. Listed side effects include sharp intellectual pleasure and enlargement of your curiosity gland.
Joseph-Armand Bombardier, beyond the inventor

Joseph-Armand Bombardier, beyond the inventor
Born in 1907, the eldest of a family of ten children, Joseph-Armand Bombardier already had a mania for dismantling… his father’s car at a very young age! Worried about the various risks such a pastime posed, his father one day offered him an old broken motor, hoping to satisfy his son’s patenting instincts. He never imagined that the young man would put him back in shape very quickly. This is one of the many anecdotes contained in this series in four episodes, exploring different aspects, private and public, of the journey of the inventor of the snowmobile. Composed of stories told by historians, captivating excerpts from the archives and testimonies collected from the grandchildren and great-grandchildren of the most famous Valcourtois, this podcast created by the Musée de l’ingéniosité J. Armand Bombardier is an ode to the power of human beings to invent what still defies understanding, as well as to the one who sleeps in everyone to invent their own life.