Life after
Is it possible to regain peace of mind after surviving cancer? This is one of the big questions that cross Life after, conversational podcast cheerfully hosted by Zoé Witala. With a palpable sensitivity and a sense of humor that the brain cancer from which she herself got out when she was 26 years old, the young researcher collects in a first episode the confidences, of a dizzying generosity, of her guest Sarah Bertrand-Savard. Author of the powerful book of collages / poems Vital forces (The Wick) testifies with a salutary lack of modesty of her sex life transformed by breast cancer as well as of the taming of her new body. The modesty of the means of production is here inversely proportional to the richness of the words.

While being the victim of a theft is undoubtedly one of the most traumatic experiences that can change a life, a theft – forgive the triviality of our considerations – also often leaves behind a good story. Few of the events shine so bright a light on the most vilest and most intimate of human beings. It is in this spirit that the journalist Marc-André Carignan hands his microphone in each episode of 20 to 30 minutes to a victim of a preposterous theft. Vehicle theft, intellectual property theft, bee theft (!); Thief even tells of the theft of an ambulance by his passenger under the influence. As for the host Guy Mongrain, he remembers frankly how a blackmailer once mounted a (not so) beautiful big boat in the shape of a Ponzi scheme.
Critical path (s) – Michel Houellebecq

Critical path (s) – Michel Houellebecq
At the time of writing, our courageous colleague Chantal Guy was deeply immersed in her reading of the more than 700 pages (!) Contained in Annihilate, eighth novel by Michel Houellebecq, available in Quebec on January 13. Before submitting yourself to the exercise, immerse yourself in the work of the writer that we love or hate (or that we love to hate) thanks to this special edition of three episodes of the Sunday of France Inter The mask and the feather. The journalist of Inrocks Nelly Kaprièlian returns with the help of pieces of archives and readings of excerpts chosen on the critical reception reserved to the one who, for 30 years, auscultates with a “disillusioned humor” and a “depressed romanticism” “the evil- contemporary man’s sexual being and the unhappiness of all within a society like a vast enterprise ”.

How does Caroline Huard feel about the diet culture? “I feel fru,” responds bluntly the tofu magician and vegan web star in the first of five episodes ofProne. But what is diet culture? “That’s all that ever since I was little I felt like a bad person because I didn’t have a flat stomach. ”In the company of specialists in nutrition and psychology, the one we nickname Loounie tries to get rid of everything that conspires to keep us under the illusion that our weight is still inadequate and that we will finally be happy that a once we have lost 10 kilos. Offered exclusively on OHdio.
Marguerite: the crossing

Marguerite: the crossing
If the good Lord answers our prayers, the theaters will have reopened their doors in March, in time for the presentation of Marguerite: fire, by Émilie Monnet, new artist in residence at Espace Go. No one, not even another variant, will however be able to take away her podcast version, a sort of making-of in the form of an investigation of this play which will transpose onto the stage the tragically unknown story of Marguerite Duplessis, the first slave in the history of New France to have claimed (in vain) her freedom. Because the history of indigenous people, as well as that of women, has been poorly recorded, the author and director questions specialists and travels to Martinique in order to find herself the answers to the questions facing the books. remain silent to this day.