The election of the Russian president, reporting on the war when you are a journalist and advice for handling arguments between friends: this is the program for the new episode of “Salut l’info!”
Reading time: 17 min

Every week, the “Hi news!” podcast. tells the news to 7-11 year olds, a production of Franceinfo radio and Astrapi magazine. The children speak throughout the show: to comment on current events, ask questions, ask for advice or even tell jokes! To co-present this week’s episode, we listen to Aristide, 8 years old, who lives near Tours.
Start of Ramadan for Muslims
From March 15 to 17, it is the presidential election in Russia. But there is little doubt about the result of the vote. Presenter Estelle explains why to listeners.
Monday March 11 was the start of Ramadan, a very important month for Muslims. But what is it and why do they fast during this period? Answers in this episode.
Le Quart d’heure Actu: a weekly ritual to learn how to stay informed
To launch you into the adventure of media education in cycles 2 and 3, we provide you, every week, with a new episode of “Quart d’heure Actu”. This sequence of three brief audio extracts from the podcast “Salut l’info!” allows you to establish a short and fun weekly information ritual in class. And to encourage active listening among students, the session is accompanied by a quiz to download.
>> To find out more, go to the Bayard education website
The current quarter of an hour of March 15
How to tell the war in Ukraine?
From March 18 to 23, it is Press and Media Week in schools. On this occasion, our journalist Pauline gives the floor to two franceinfo reporters: Agathe and Boris. They have been covering the war in Ukraine since the country was attacked by Russia two years ago. They answer questions from our listeners, journalists for a day.
Finally, the “Salut l’info!” team meet all teachers and their students on Tuesday March 19 for a new webinar from the “J’apprends l’info” program, a media education program from franceinfo and Bayard Jeunesse. Quiz, interview with a TV journalist… Students will discover live and on video behind the scenes of the media thanks to the webinar “In the shoes of a journalist”.
>> Registration on the Bayard Education website Webinar: “In the shoes of a journalist!” – Bayard Education
Tips for coping better with arguments
In our section “We tell each other everything”, Maria asks us for help to better cope with her arguments with her friends. With the help of a psychologist, the show gives him solutions.
We also open the joke answering machine to listen to three riddles left by our listeners on 01 47 79 40 00. Finally, in the Club Salut l’info!, Aristide tells us about an artist he adores, Soprano.
Good listening !
“Hey news!” was prepared for you this week by:
Estelle Faure, Agathe Guilhem, Lara Mercier and Rémi Chaurand on production
Pauline Pennanec’h and Marion Joseph as editor-in-chief
Philippe Baudouin directing
Thomas Coudreuse mixing