Gardening, Mélanie Grégoire fell into it when she was little. It is therefore not surprising that in addition to her books and multiple activities, the horticulturist offers us a podcast, broadcast on the OHdio platform.
Posted at 12:00 p.m.
Even if gardening may seem a priori a rather visual activity, we do not miss this aspect when we listen to the podcast entitled 10 tips for… by Melanie Gregoire. “I come from a family of storytellers, so I have a very colorful language. So with my words, people will make images, ”she believes, rightly.
Especially since the 10 episodes contain a panoply of practical and concrete advice, easy to apply. In each capsule, we give 10 tips for gardening with children, cultivating on your balcony, preparing seedlings, avoiding diseases and unwanted insects… “The “10 tips for” were to get people to take action . That’s really how I designed it, so that it’s simple, easy and that they want to put their hands in the ground, ”continues the horticulturist established in the Saint-Élie-d sector. ‘Orford, in Sherbrooke.
That’s not all, because there are tips for all types of budding gardeners: those with limited space, whether it’s a small yard or just a balcony; or those who have little time and who wish to have flowerbeds requiring a minimum of maintenance.
Moreover, most episodes favor plants that are eaten, specifies Mélanie Grégoire.

Mélanie Grégoire, horticulturist
We are very much into fine herbs, vegetables. I also dabble in flowers, but the vast majority of podcasts are about edible stuff, mostly to keep up with the times.
Mélanie Grégoire, horticulturist and podcast host 10 tips for…
“There are many people who start gardening wanting to eat fresher, local or organic food, being aware of what they have on their plate. »
She herself loves radio as a medium and admits to being a big consumer of podcasts when she’s behind the wheel. His series has been available for a while now on the Radio-Canada listening platform, but little noise was made during the initial broadcast since we were in the midst of a pandemic. A blessing in disguise, since “the idea, too, was to make it timeless,” says Mélanie Grégoire.
The Saturday meeting
Perhaps the biggest hurdle home gardeners face is insecurity about their abilities. Every Saturday morning, Mélanie Grégoire strives to combat this feeling by bringing interested parties to her vegetable garden, on video, on her Facebook page. So they can see what works well, what works less well, and see that no vegetable garden is perfect. “People can see that I have potato bugs too; it’s not because I know that that I don’t have insects! At the same time, I show them how to know that the carrot is ready, when to harvest it, so they really like these little videos that I give them every Saturday morning. »