Plus belle la vie: Death of an essential woman in the series, part “much much too quickly”

Terrible stroke of fate for the family of More beautiful life. As the series comes to an end after nearly 17 years on the air, the screenwriter and co-creator of the series, Bénédicte Achard, has died. “Pread Belle la vie stops, Béné leaves, without drum or trumpet“, wrote his children in an obituary published in Free lunch.

A last tribute will be paid to him on October 4, 2022 in the village of Vallabrix (Gard) “that she loved so much, in the presence of her mother, her brothers, her family, her friends, Ponette her dog [et] some birds“. A funeral that will be imprinted “of music [et] sadness“, but also, “against all odds, [d’]immense confidence in an inevitably radiant future […] thatshe promised us all before leaving much much much too quickly“the statement read.

Our Bene…

Shocked by this terrible news, Magaly Richard-Serrano, co-creator of the France 3 program, wanted to pay tribute to this woman who turned her life upside down by imagining this cult series. “Our Bene…” she writes before also remembering the “happy Days” that she spent by her side. Nostalgic, she also shared a snapshot of the screenwriter of More beautiful life in her youth, when she was 20 years old. “Bene is 20… the year we met” she wrote in the caption.

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