PLQ: playing the feds’ game against Quebec

It was the Liberal Party of Quebec convention on the weekend. Among other things, the activists adopted proposals to add courses in the school curriculum. It is about educating Quebec youth in different concepts, including systemic racism, diversity, cultural appropriation, white privilege and Aboriginal history. However, to a large extent, all of these questions set Quebec against the feds, English Canada and Canadian multiculturalists.

Let us take aboriginal history first. For several years, some personalities have been claiming that our metropolis is in unceded Mohawk territory, which is false, archi false. This is the case, among others, of Federal Minister Marc Miller. This question came up again a few weeks ago, when the Montreal Canadiens took up this falsehood on their own. Dominique Anglade reacted by saying that the historical truth was not so important. Most crucial was the message of openness to the natives.

Let us first remember that there will be no reconciliation without it being accompanied by the truth, contrary to what the liberal leader thinks. Let us remember above all that this question of unceded territory aims to discredit the autonomist and separatist tendencies of our people on their national territory. The defense of the territorial integrity of Quebec is an elementary duty for someone who aspires to become prime minister, which Ms. Anglade absolutely does not understand.

Moreover, the PLQ now embraces the concept of “systemic racism” and “white privilege” is not trivial. We must understand what these concepts imply in relation to us. There is no longer a Quebec nation possible, there are only “whites” in Quebec against “racialized” people. Exit the sufferings and injustices that we have suffered, we “whites”. To oblivion! We erase the tragic part of the history of the Quebec people, from the hanging of the patriots through that of Louis Riel, of Lord Durham to the closure of French schools throughout English Canada, from conscription to the repatriation of the constitution, between others. With systemic racism, Quebecers are no longer a minority culture struggling for its survival. They no longer form a national minority too often victims of Quebec bashing. With systemic racism, we are transformed into a bunch of worthy racists from the southern United States who oppress the “racialized”.

When we label Quebeckers as systematically racist, no blows are allowed against our collective aspirations. English Canadians and Canadian multiculturalists opposed to Bill 96, which notably provides for the recognition of Quebec as a French-speaking nation in the constitution, compare this future legislation to Nazism and the persecution of blacks. The exact same goes for the state secularism law, which was compared to the Nuremberg Laws and American racial segregation during the Law 21 trial.

It is also interesting to note that the position of the PLQ on this last subject did not change during their congress. If she is elected, Dominique Anglade will not renew the notwithstanding clause to prevent federal judges from invalidating Law 21, even if she says he is “for secularism”. If the Reds win the next election, they can legitimately repeal Bill 21 because this debate can be done between us. On the other hand, Dominique Anglade has the duty to defend this law by using the derogation clause. It falls within our fields of competence and was adopted by a majority in the National Assembly. It is not for the federal courts to decide the fate of secularism in Quebec under a charter imposed on us in 1982.

As aspiring prime minister, the one who claims to be Robert Bourassa has a duty to protect our autonomy against English Canada. However, she prefers to throw Bill 21 into the pasture of the judges appointed by Ottawa, hypocritically pretending to ignore that it will thus be cut to pieces. Not only does Dominique Anglade not defend the nation, she plays into the hands of the feds against Quebec!

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