(Québec) La cheffe Dominique Anglade affirme que la députée Marie Montpetit est exclue pour de bon du caucus libéral en raison d’allégations de harcèlement psychologique, peu importe les résultats de futures enquêtes. La députée de Maurice-Richard ne pourra pas porter les couleurs du PLQ en 2022.
« Avec la quantité d’informations que j’ai aujourd’hui, avec les faits qui m’ont été présentés, je ne vois pas de quelle manière [une réintégration au caucus] would happen. That’s what I can tell you, ”explained Mme Anglade during a press briefing Tuesday at the National Assembly.
“Yesterday, we had additional information that led me to make the decision to exclude Marie Montpetit from our Liberal caucus. It’s a decision that is difficult, ”she added. “It was the only decision to be made, it was the only decision that was needed in a context where today, we are in 2021 and we cannot tolerate certain behaviors with colleagues, with employees”.

Dominique anglade
She hammered home that she always acted when facts were brought to her about Mr.me Montpetit. According to testimonies collected by Press, Mme Montpetit, for example, would have denigrated employees, would have treated them incompetent, would have shouted at them by the head and would have addressed them with a sacrament. These would be repeated acts and not isolated incidents, again according to the sources consulted.
Mme Anglade postponed a regional tour in Gaspésie and moved a trip to the Magdalen Islands. She found it “important” to be in parliament on Tuesday and Wednesday with her caucus.
During her press briefing, she was accompanied by the former interim leader Pierre Arcand, the PLQ whip, responsible for internal discipline, Filomena Rotiroti, and the parliamentary leader André Fortin.
“Each time, I intervened,” said Mme Anglade. She added that she did not specify “who spoke to whom” during these interventions.
Mme Anglade reiterates that she “never” took harassment issues lightly. It was rife on Monday following an “acceleration in the information which [lui] have been reported in the last days ”. The day before, during an interview at Press, a few hours before making the decision to exclude Mr.me Montpetit of the liberal caucus, Dominique Anglade affirmed that she received “every hour” additional information concerning the member for Maurice-Richard and that “the situation was extremely serious”.