Plouha comes alive with the convention around Tolkien

It’s a whole universe. British writer John Ronald Reuel Tolkien, creator of The Lord of the Rings is honored in the town of Plouha, between Guingamp and Saint-Brieuc, in the Côtes-d’Armor. On the program: conference with authors and above all the presence of voice actors, those people who do the French voices for films or series. Nicolas works at the association On the Lands of L’Unique, he tells us more about this gathering.

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An event open to all

“Animation is General public, the idea is to have a good time. If some leave thinking that they will watch the film or read one of the books, we will say that the mission is accomplished. Here we have a lot of material, we study movies as much as books so it’s really nice to exchange in various ways with people who don’t necessarily know this universe. There is also the whole costume aspect with a competition. We also propose to elect the best beard! Finally there is the traditional pie competition. It’s all free all weekend so it’s really open to everyone.”

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The spearhead Amazon series

A few weeks ago, the series “The Lord of the Rings. Rings of power” was released on the Amazon platform. And it’s a godsend for Nicolas. During this convention, there are conferences with people who have participated in this series. _”It gave a new impetus to this universe. This series is a springboard for the convention! We will have Déborah Perret who comes as artistic director of the French version of the Amazon series. She brought with her Damien Witecka, who is a voice actor in the series (French voice of Elrond). It’s super interesting to have this aspect there. These actors are half of the character that we know and we don’t realize it. The on-screen character is played by an actor but all the vocal performance, the cult lines and well in fact it’s the voice actor.“_

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Saturday September 24 and Sunday September 25, 2022, from 10 a.m. The entrance is free.

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