Playing with his food | The Press

The painter Pat Cantin did not listen to his mother, and that’s good: he created, at the request of the Épurée company, paintings with… vegetable purées!

Posted yesterday at 3:00 p.m.

Iris Gagnon Paradise

Iris Gagnon Paradise
The Press

It was Marco Gagnon, founder of the company specializing in gourmet purees, who had the idea of ​​asking Pat Cantin to create a series of canvases from batches of purees unsuitable for sale or consumption.

The Press was on hand to witness the live creation of the canvases with mashed potatoes of different colors. In all, 6 works were selected, and 30 copies of each are on sale now on the Épurée web store.

All profits from the sale of the paintings will go to the Charles-Bruneau Foundation, a cause dear to the heart of Mr. Gagnon, whose father died of cancer a few years ago.

Pat Catin’s paintings will be exhibited from April 13 to May 13, at La Galerie de Miss Rey, in Chambly.

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