Emma Haziza returns every Saturday to a news item around the climate, the environment, and offers solutions. Saturday May 6, how can we end our addiction to plastic?
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Unfortunately, plastic does not only pollute the beaches and the ocean floor. From the Colombian Sierra Nevada to Tibet via the Pyrenees and the Alps, microplastics are colonizing the steepest mountain peaks. Winds and rain carry these particles which enter the natural water cycle and thus end up in high mountains.
>>> Plastic pollution of the world’s oceans has reached “unprecedented levels”, according to a study
Even more worrying are the plastic nanoparticles that we inhale and which penetrate inside our cells. Infinitely small pieces of plastic that we breathe in every day and whose impact on our health we have absolutely no control over. Not to mention the plastic that we drink in bottles.
Despite the implementation of public waste reduction policies, 80% of the plastics emitted are not recycled and remain on Earth. We will have to learn to live without this polluting material and which, moreover, comes from oil, a fossil fuel largely responsible for global warming.