Planting pink garlic, the role of cloves

Garlic doesn’t like standing in water, it rots.

You can’t say we didn’t tell you! And it’s Jacky Mercier who speaks, he is a market gardener in Frontenay sur Dive and his organic vegetables feed very beautiful tables. He shares with us on Monday at 10.35 a.m. his advice so that our vegetables are (almost) as beautiful and tasty as his.

So to start: install the chalk line to draw a nice line in an airy ground that will not turn into slush with the first rain.

How deep are caïeux (or cayeux) planted? First, the caieu is the bud that develops on the main bulb, there may even be several. It is therefore the bulb that will give the future garlic.

We plant on the finger.

So the caïeu is flush with the surface, we don’t drive it deep.

And then if you have not yet consumed it at the first heat,

clear a little earth around the caïeu so that it does not overheat.

In short, long live the aeration of garlic!

Thanks to Jacky Mercier for his valuable advice.

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