Plantain, a medicinal plant full of virtues to discover also on the plates

Plantain is, like dandelion, considered a weed by farmers. It is true that it spreads wherever it can and is very difficult to pull out, but that is not a fault.

It has many health benefits and a taste reminiscent of mushrooms to which a hint of sorrel has been added.

With more than 200 species of plantain, it can be found almost everywhere on the planet. Among the varieties found in France: the great plantain, the lanceolate plantain and the medium plantain.

France Bleu invites you to add this often hated plant to your plates to reconcile with it!

Video : Plantain a treasure of benefits

What are the benefits of plantain?

Plantain is full of virtues, which makes it one of the most useful medicinal plants. But that’s not all, it is also a key food for certain animals, such as butterfly caterpillars, birds, or rabbits. This “weed” is therefore welcome in your gardens, especially since its presence is synonymous with healthy soil!

Anti-inflammatory, this plant can be used to soothe the airways and facilitate breathing. Antiallergic, it calms allergic reactions, and finally antiseptic, it helps to form a barrier against bacteria and viruses. Yes, all at once.

But the plantain still has many other secrets, we let you see its benefits on This article.

Precautions to take with plantain

Be careful, however, because in some cases, you have to be wary of it. Ribwort plantain is not recommended for pregnant women and also for children under 3 years old. It can cause irritation and block the airways. It can also be allergenic, if you suffer from skin or food allergies (to melon for example), you may also be allergic to plantain. In addition, when used in high doses, it can have laxative and hypnotizing effects.

Finally, some diseases can be transmitted to humans by animals, including liver fluke, transmitted by sheep and the so-called fox disease. To avoid them, you have to cook the plants or pick them up high if you want to eat them raw.

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