Planète Bleu is committed with Socialter

In this program, France Bleu deciphers the news with specialized journalists, gives the floor to those who are committed, awards the “Planète Bleu” and “Planète rouge” to the good and bad students of the week, deciphers the news with specialized journalists… and takes the time to listen to the sound of the planet.

For a change in society

Socialter magazine looks at new ideas that are struggling to emerge in public debate. Far from ready-made solutions and dogmatic approaches, with a line that questions more than it imposes, Socialter intends repoliticize the debate with one question in mind: how develop society towards more justice, more democracy, while respecting ecological balances?

Our guest, Philippe Vion-Dury is its editor. With him, we return to an evil, not yet recognized as a disease, eco-anxiety. This “anxiety” would especially affect the younger generations, privileged witnesses of climate change.

“Are you eco-anxious?” is the question posed to you by the latest issue (October-November 2022) of Socialter, already available on newsstands.

His red planet. Pine forest monoculture in the Landes

His blue planet. Social security for food and the Atelier Paysan which supports “farmers in the design and manufacture of machines and buildings adapted to peasant agroecology”.

His corner of paradise. Saint-Antonin-Noble-Val in the Tarn-et-Garonne

For a return of trunk hives

Founded in 2008, the association “L’Arbre aux Abeilles” works on different objectives from traditional skills linked to trunk hives. A method which turns out to be rich in prospects for modern beekeeping practice.

Because black bees that live in these “trunk hives” come from a selection imposed by very harsh environmental conditions. It is characterized by natural capacities of resistance and sobriety. Those are “champions of evolution”.

Yves-Élie Laurent, beekeeper and president of the “L’arbre aux abeilles” association, tells us more about these ancestral bees that came from the East, it seems, around 1 million years ago.

Planet crush

Morad Ait Habbouche takes us to discover Authie Bay in Hauts-de-France.

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