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This year could be delicate in terms of international relations, especially between several heads of state, such as Vladimir Putin, Joe Biden and Xi Jinping.
In Russia as in China, the time has come to prepare for clashes. In the country ruled by Vladimir Putin, the army has already mobilized tanks to invade Ukraine. In China, several troops are training to invade Taiwan, with the aim of reconquest. As far as Iran is concerned, the country is getting closer and closer to nuclear weapons.
In Russia, 100,000 Russian troops have been mobilized on the Ukrainian border, and threaten to invade Ukraine. Vladimir Putin’s goal is to dissuade his neighbors from joining NATO. This new alliance would put it at a disadvantage and surround it with the Atlantic Alliance. “A form of redistribution with limited sovereignty, with buffer states that would be in between. This is what we experienced during the Cold War”, explains François Heisbourg, author of the book The Return of the Cold War.