plane, cars… the return of the “polluter pays”


Video length: 2 min

Government of Michel Barnier: plane, cars… the return of the “polluter pays”
Government of Michel Barnier: plane, cars… the return of the “polluter pays”
(France 2)

The polluter pays principle has the advantage of serving Michel Barnier’s two priorities, the environment and the fight against the public deficit. The government plans to widen the penalty for the most polluting vehicles and triple the tax on plane tickets.

Making those who pollute the most pay more: the idea seems to appeal to the government, which is looking for funds. New cars would be at the forefront. The penalty on CO2 emissions, which currently affects the most polluting vehicles, could be extended to less emitting models, and even to almost all thermal cars. The goal is to raise 315 million euros.

In the air, Bercy would consider raising an additional billion euros. “We need to be able to finance [la] decarbonization”, recalls Pascal de Izaguirre, president of the National Federation of Aviation and its Trades.

For environmental associations, making polluters pay is a good measure, which allows both “discourage particularly polluting practices“and at the same time”generate revenue to encourage other more ecological practices”underlines Alexis Cailloux, transport specialist at Réseau Action Climat. The details should be known during the presentation of the finance bill on October 10.

Watch the full report in the video above.

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